You see, during your luteal phase (approx. 2 weeks before your period) your metabolism is much faster and it requires up to 300 extra calories. Hence the fact of feeling hungry all day long even when you are eating the same amount of food from last week.😲😲
And when you cut down carbs or don’t eat enough of them your happy hormones tank and your blood sugar enters that not so fun rollercoaster 🎢 I am always talking about.
In other words you get extremely irritable, easily fatigued and you starve ALL-DAY-LONG (no matter how many cucumbers you eat)!
So it is not that you don’t have will power or that you’re cray cray, it is that you are not eating enough carbs or even enough in general, to cover the increased metabolic rate that happens during the second half of your cycle.
But you CAN shake off these feelings, pinky promise!! And this is the REMINDER I always share with my clients and community to make this happen
Include more complex carbs into your diet (especially 2 weeks before your period) like: sweet potatoes , potatoes with skin, brown rice, quinoa, rye bread , millet and oats.
Trust me, carbs are not the bad guys here, they actually are the things that are gonna help you control extreme mood swings and fight that low energy that mostly strikes midday! And best of all carbs are gonna help you control the excessive hunger, especially when combined with a protein.
So instead of going for the chips, oreos and candy that are in fact the bad guys, go for these amazing complex carbs that I have just shared with you.
Give this ONE thing a go, and watch the transformation they can create.
PS. I can’t wait to hear how you feel after including more carbs before your period and my inbox 💌 is always open if you want to chat further about your menstrual cycle and your hormones in general.
PPS. You can always check my program:
which is a step-by-step strategy that restores your hormones back to their natural balance so you can thrive every single day - experience more energy⚡️, less mood swings, better periods🩸 and increased fertility 🤰🏻.